Volunteer Ham (VHAM)
Radio Operator List
A list of Volunteer Ham Radio Operator Events


Updated: 06-Apr-17 05:00:53 PM

To subscribe to the VHAM email list or to have your entry added to the VHAM list, please see

Additional Information: Submission information

Some additional thoughts/comments on volunteering:

Adventures In Volunteering: Some thoughts on the volunteer processs

Some of the entries have been submitted, others are events that I am aware of. Therefore, officially this list is unofficial.

The purpose of this web page is to make it easier for HAMs and those who need volunteer HAM radio operators for their events. Below is a list of the VHAM events and an index based on the location.
All HAMs are required to conform to all Federal, State and Local laws and regulations.

A file with the latest list of VHAMs is available in: http://www.my1email.com/vham/vham.html



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HTML tags are available. All lines with a "<" and a ">" will be removed. You will need to add line breaks for the listing form. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

If you are currently on this list, please verify all information to ensure that it is correct and send me any corrections.

Listing form:

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