Index for SOAL (Stories of a Life)
n 1: a song or hymn of mourning composed or performed as a memorial to a dead person [syn: dirge, coronach, lament, threnody] 2: a musical setting for a Mass celebrating the dead [syn: Requiem] 3: a Mass celebrated for the dead [syn: Requiem]
Source: WordNet ® 2.0, © 2003 Princeton University
The purpose of this section is to honor and remember those people that have touched our lives. To tell the stories of those that have left this world, to remember what those people have done as a living reminder of those people who still live within us.
Included in this are stories from others about the person and how they touched them. Often at a funeral there is a time for sharing of memories and this is a location to document those memories.
Index for main SOAL (Stories of a Life)
Main Index for SOAL (Stories of a Life)
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