Index for SOAL (Stories of a Life)
Random Thoughts & Introduction
This site is dedicated to the people who make a difference in the lives of others, as well as the people who are willing to tell their stories so that others might learn by them.
There are a couple of reason as to why I decided to create this site. The first is that when my Grandmother passed away there were many things said about her life at the funeral which I had never known. The same thing happened when a friend was killed in an automobile accident. It is sad to think that there are many thing that you learn about a person only after they die. The second reason is that a friend of mine mentioned that his father told many stories about his life, including his time in the military defending his country. My friend had wished that he had bought a video camera to record many of these stories since now the stories are lost as his father passed away. So, the reason of this site is to try to document and record some of the stories of people, not just the rich and famous. It is the common person who make this country great and they deserve to have their stories recorded too.
If you are interested in having an article added to this list, please send me email. Any "facts" presented need to be verifiable and opinions need to be reasonable, meaning no suggestion of illegal acts. I reserve the right to include or not include any story. I can not give all the reasons since I don't know all of the stories, but my desire is to include as many stories as possible, as long as the story is not offensive, immoral, etc.
By submitting your story, you grant me,, unlimited, non-exclusive permission to use the story. This is needed so that I can use the stories on the web pages, as well as being able to publish the stories, should someone decide that it would be something they want to do. I do not intend to make money off of this, but it would be nice to pay for the site, as well as be able to expand the collection of the stories and make the stories available to as wide an audience as possible.
When you submit a story, try to keep in mine what you felt, saw, learned and experienced. It is best to try to focus on the positive, such as learning and growing from negative things which have happened to you. The most important thing is to pass on your life experiences to others. This site is divided into sections, such as your complete life, love stories, military stories and stories about people who have passed away. Additional categories may be added, such as specific military service in a given time period.
Please keep in mind security issues when you are writing your story. Due to this, consider using just the first name of people mentioned and don't be specific on some details. If you want, change the names to protect the innocent, but please mention if you do that.
The most important aspect to your story is to be honest. There is no point in writing a story which is false. Please respect that and be honorable towards others and tell your story as honest as possible.
Index for main SOAL (Stories of a Life)
Main Index for SOAL (Stories of a Life)
If you want to submit your own article, please read the first article and send email